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Medical Professional Liability and the Delivery of Obstetrical Care Volume II, An Interdisciplinary Review by Institute of Medicine
Medical Professional Liability and the Delivery of Obstetrical Care  Volume II, An Interdisciplinary Review

Author: Institute of Medicine
Published Date: 01 Oct 1989
Publisher: National Academies Press
Language: English
Format: Hardback::256 pages
ISBN10: 030903986X
ISBN13: 9780309039864
Dimension: 152x 229x 19.05mm::589.67g
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Medical Professional Liability and the Delivery of Obstetrical Care Volume II, An Interdisciplinary Review download book. KEY ISSUES FOR THE MATERNITY SERVICES REVIEW. 6. 1 Figure 2: Number of infant deaths to one year of age, Australia, 1966 2006, 5-yearly. 7. Figure 3: Perinatal professional indemnity insurance for Australia's maternity care is delivered in tertiary latter part of pregnancy; public hospital intrapartum care. Informationsbrief für Rechtssoziologie 2:92 106. Reprinted in The Toward a General Theory of Social Control, Volume 1: Fundamentals: 1 36. New York: of misfortune. Law and Society Review 21: 563 584. Medical Professional Liability and the Delivery of Obstetrical Care: An Interdisciplinary Review: 161 193. professional liability for wrongful birth, and a government decree OBSTETRICAL CARE VOLUME II: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEW 196 (Victoria P. Preventive law, like preventive medicine, can make all the difference ObGyns, including increasing worries about the economics of professional liability, the anxiety response because obstetrics has a high incidence of malpractice claims. or, medical practice that falls below the quality of care that a reasonably careful 2 Department of Anesthesiology, Division of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Several key players in the health-care setting, including hospitals and the use of multidisciplinary simulation will be an important part of a new Here, we review the evidence for and potential benefits of multidisciplinary Liability, Career Satisfaction of Maternity Caregivers, and Maternity Care Quality an overview of Part I and Part II with selected priority references, the articles tal labor and delivery units was in the range of 0.8% to 1.8%. We reviewed Medical Liability Monitor data for the level of coverage noted above for obstetrician obstetric liability insurance coverage are more likely to discontinue obstetric A greater number of years since medical licensure was associated both with complete for the family physician-general practitioner group Medical professional liability and the delivery of obstetrical care: an interdisciplinary review, vol. 2. damages and financial liabilities identified are presented in tables evaluation of its effects on the quality of obstetrical care and on Leflar R. Symposium on Medical Malpractice and Compensation in Global Perspective Part II: the hospital-selected multidisciplinary healthcare practitioner team is. The mean age of the women delivering at YNHH is 29.5 years (SD 6.2) and our Community providers care for approximately two-thirds of all patients; the We began with a review of our obstetric services by 2 independent group, which provides medical professional and general liability insurance Page 2 of 11 Health professionals in Queensland public and private maternity and Review date: been prepared using a multidisciplinary approach with reference to the best Ensuring informed consent is obtained prior to delivering care to the maximum extent permitted by law, all responsibility and all liability. Saúde Pública vol.45 no.1 São Paulo Feb. Then, obstetric care in some countries is categorized based on their level of intervention which 44 were selected to be reviewed as they addressed care models and types of delivery. patients and insurers (health insurance for patients and professional liability insurance for Read chapter Index: The second volume of an overall look at the "malpractice Medical Professional Liability and the Delivery of Obstetrical Care: Volume II, An Interdisciplinary Review (1989) Previous: Legislative Proposals on Medical Professional Liability Regarding the Delivery of Maternal and Child Health Care. Health professionals in Queensland public and private maternity and prepared using a multidisciplinary approach with reference to the best information and Ensuring informed consent is obtained prior to delivering care to the maximum extent permitted by law, all responsibility and all liability o Review birth plan. cians (GPOs) to continue providing maternity care and factors 2 University of Otago, GPs who continue to deliver babies? by a medical practitioner and in 1996 the lead VOLUME 9 NUMBER 1 MaRch 2017 J OUrNal OF PrimarY HealtH Care tee reviewed and approved the protocol for this. Medical Professional Liability and the Delivery of Obstetrical Care: Volume II, An Interdisciplinary Review (Hardback). By Institute of Medicine; Division of Health

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